Coloring Class Part 2

Earlier this week I told you about a coloring class I took during the last couple of weeks.  It was put on by Kelly Taylor who is an amazing colorer (which I am definitely not!).

This is the fourth card we made during the class.  I have to admit I did a much better job at it as time went on.  Compared to the last card I showed you earlier in the week, these are much better, although still not the best.

This next card got a little more complicated then the previous ones.We used all four shades of each other on every element (except the tiny blue flowers). I did better on the flowers but the leaves definitely need some more practice.


Here is the fifth card we made.  I think I did better on the leaves this time.  This was my second favorite card.


Here is the last card we made.  I think I am starting to make some progress although I still have a long way to go.  The funny thing, Kelly made it look so easy.  I don’t think I will ever do as well as she does, but I can definitely see some improvement.  I do love the pop of white on the black background.


So, I know I got better with time and practice.  Some of the coloring I did ended up in the garbage and tried again.  And again.  And again.  Maybe after a few hundred more classes, I will get good at it.  It was fun to do and I would definitely do it again if given the opportunity.

Coloring Class

Last week I took a virtual coloring class using alcohol markers.  I have never been a very good colorer so I wanted to see if I could improve by taking a class.  I could not find a Stampin’ Up!®  product class using Stampin’ Up!®  Blends so I went with another company (Altenew).  The teacher’s name is Kelly Taylor and she is amazing.

The class had six lessons.  Each one got a little harder and a little more detailed.  One of the nice things about this class is I could watch some of the video to get an idea on how it worked.  Then I could rewind it and follow along while stopping it while I tried to do what the teacher said.  It was fun to do, although I am not sure how much progress I made in the coloring department.  Below are a few of the cards I made in the order I took them.  I do feel I did get better as the class went on but I am hoping they (or someone) does another class.

The first card I made was the simplest.  Each leaf and berry was only two colors so it was not too hard to do.


The next class showed us how to glaze.  This means you use a couple of colors (one light rose and one darker) and then place another completely different color over the top (yellow).  Plus she showed us now to shade with lighter and darker colors.


The third card was a 5″ x 5″ fun fold card.  Kelly showed us how to add more depth to your images using shading.  I have to say, although this card is pretty, it was not my best as far as coloring goes.  It definitely does take some practice. Her cards always came out so smooth and perfectly blended.  This one definitely needs some work!  It is ok.  You can laugh.  I certainly laughed at myself with this one but I figured I would show you the bad, the ugly and the good as I went.


I’ll post the past few cards we did in a couple of days.